Created for the convenience of family friends and fans. For the fan site click the link below.
Click here to the fan site for: Biography:Here for: Fan PhotosDates in Red are changes, special events, newly added or venues that need a little extra support. |
Please see important added notes below. Also, if you are on our fan email list or mailing list please notify us of any changes so, we can update our records. Our business is jtzito2001 at Thank you. Sincerely, Jan & Tommy |
Please support Tommy, all live music and venues who host it. Thank you!OCT 11 FRI - HOLY Family Parish Center at (Hillcrest) 6:30-9:30 631 Minersville-Llewellyn Hw, Minersville, PA For Res Call 570-544-4741
OCT 18 FRI - KEELERSVILLE CLUB 6-9 2522 RIDGE Rd PERKASIE Pa (215) 257-9949 OPEN to PUBLIC Call well ahead on large tables
OCT 25 FRI - PLAY LOUNGE Bar & Grill 6-9 @ 204 Peacock St. Pottsville, PA, (570) 591-8341 Small Cover
NOV 08 FRI - STEHLY’S BAKERY & EATERY 5-8 299 Industrial Drive/Blvd NAZARETH PA. Call 484-619-7840
NOV 15 FRI - KEELERSVILLE CLUB 6-9 2522 RIDGE Rd PERKASIE Pa (215) 257-9949 OPEN to PUBLIC Call well ahead on large tables
NOV 22 FRI - PLAY LOUNGE Bar & Grill Closed open for REBOOKING
NOV 24 SUN - DREAM COME TRUE Telethon at Penn’s Peak 5-9.
DEC 12 THU - PLAY LOUNGE Bar & Grill CLOSED available for re-booking
DEC 14 SAT – AARP of Phillipsburg member event
DEC 20 FRI - KEELERSVILLE CLUB 6-9 2522 RIDGE Rd PERKASIE Pa (215) 257-9949 OPEN to PUBLIC Call well ahead on large table
DEC 31 SUN - SCHEDULE ADDITION NOTICE: DEC 31 TUE will be at STEHLY’S BAKERY & EATERY this year for and Early evening New Years Eve Celebration 5-8:30 or 6-9:30 299 Industrial Drive/Blvd NAZARETH PA. Call 484-619-7840. It will be a package with more Information to come!
JAN 17 FRI - KEELERSVILLE CLUB 6-9-10 2522 RIDGE Rd PERKASIE Pa (215) 257-9949 OPEN to PUBLIC Call well ahead on large tables
JAN 24 FRI - PLAY LOUNGE Bar & Grill CLOSED, Open for re-booking
JAN 31 FRI - Breinigsville VFW Post 8282 6-9 @ 1522 Butz Rd, Breinigsville, PA, Open to public, call Lynn for reservations (610)390-9795.
FEB 05 SAT - Tentative FLYING Club Winter Gala
FEB 14 FRI - KEELERSVILLE CLUB 6-9 2522 RIDGE Rd PERKASIE Pa 215-257-9949 OPEN to PUBLIC but, Call ahead 4 Reservations
FEB 28 FRI - PLAY LOUNGE Bar & Grill CLOSED, Open for re-booking
MAR 01 SAT - BATH AMERICAN LEGION Post 470 6-9 at 278 Race St, (987) Bath, PA Call Cyndy 610-762-1986 for Info/RESERVATIONS
Note #1: Most friends and fans know we are on facebook where thay can also access the schedule but, we also have accounts on other social media, should FB ever go down. They are not monitored at the moment but, you are welcome to follow us there just in-case. They are as follows to copy and paste to browser.
All under Jan Tommy Zito:
Facebook at
Gab at
Mewe at and
Parler at
Twitter at
TS at
Note #3: To help keep the doors open of places still offering live entertainment, Please support them by visiting when ever possible. Thank You!
Other Important Notes:
With economy and other issues facing clubs & restaurants today, support of live entertainment is important & more necessary than ever for places to afford to continue music. It now makes it especially important to call in solid EARLY RESERVATIONS so chefs know food to order/prepare and so managers doesn’t cancel acts fearing low attendance. It is also important to place reservations for only the # sure to attend as income on each seat is crucial to cover the evenings costs. As always, thanks again for your consideration and wonderful, appreciated continued support. Jan & Tommy Hours are subject to change, so please call the club to confirm, check this schedule site or visit the Fan Site at: If your postal or email address is about to change or you’d like to sign up for the mailing list, please tell Jan or email request /w info. Although Tommy is normally booked up 2 years ahead, we may have dates in 2017/18 available. Occasionally some do open if a corporate event needs to switch to a weekday. To be placed on the client waiting list for openings, or for a brochure and/or open dates ask Jan, call the office at (610) 261-1848 or email AGAIN, WE GREATLY THANK-YOU FOR YOUR WONDERFUL CONTINUED SUPPORT NOTES: 1. Private & corporate events do not appear on this schedule. Also, unless otherwise stated.
2. Most clubs and lounges are 21 & up. but, you can call the club on their individual policies, when considering bringing children.
Lehigh Valley Music Awards 18- Best Pianist, Best Keyboardist
2018 - Lehigh Valley Music Awards 19 - Outstanding Keyboardist, Outstanding Pianist, Fan All Around performer Award
Tommy sincerely appreciates & thanks the Free-Time, Dream Come True and the LV Music Awards, his peers, friends and fans for their votes, hometown recognition and continued support. Thank-you again.